Combine Newsletter - September 2023

Multiscale DIY 8-String Guitar kits are back!

Our popular Headless 8 String kits with SLANTED PICKUPS are once again available!

Curious about the advantages of slanted pickups? They're closer to the bridge on the low end, and closer to the neck on the high end! This allows for increased tonal clarity and reduced muddiness across the entire spectrum of frequencies.

Shop Multiscale Guitars

Fretless 5 String Bass Kit


10% off our latest kit:
Fretless 5-String Electric Bass Kit

Use code: FretlessFun10 at checkout, or click the link below to automatically apply the discount to your order.

Apply Discount

Offer valid until October 1st, 2023

September's Guitar of the Month Contest

We know you're all busy working away on your builds, and we expect some of you will complete them in time to enter September's Guitar of the Month contest! The winner will receive up to 50% off the base price of their next DIY Guitar Kit, and their build will be shared on our website and social media.

Check Out Contest Details

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