Combine Newsletter - October 2022

Combine Bass Picks Now Available!

Our latest Combine accessory is now live on our web store! Combine's picks are made from high quality celluloid material and have great flex and durability. Celluloid is a traditional pick material, these pick will grip well to your hands and sound great on the strings. Pick width is 0.96mm.

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Bass Picks - Combine Guitars


10% off DIY Bass Kits

Use code: BassBargains at checkout, or click the link below to automatically apply the discount to your order.

Shop Bass Kits

Offer valid October 4th, 2022 - October 31st, 2022

5 String Bass - Combine Guitars

6 String Bass Guitar - Combine Guitars

October's Guitar of the Month Contest

We know you're all busy working away on your builds, and we expect some of you will complete them in time to enter October's Guitar of the Month contest! The winner will receive 50% off the base price of their next DIY Guitar Kit, and their build will be shared on our website and social media.

Check Out Contest Details

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