Combine Newsletter - November
Thanks For Your Support!
Since we opened for business in June, we have received an outpouring of support and appreciation for our unique DIY kits. We just want to take a moment to thank the growing Combine community for supporting us on this journey!
We could not have anticipated the immediate interest the DIY community has shown for our kits. Due to this, we ran out of stock much faster than we expected. Our team is currently working hard to get our kits back on the shelf!
We plan to be back in stock in time to ship for the holiday season.
Guitar of the Month Contest
We know you're all busy working away on your builds, and we expect some of you will complete them in time to enter November's Guitar of the Month contest! The winner will receive 50% off the base price of their next DIY Guitar Kit, and their build will be shared on our website and social media.