Combine Newsletter - March 2023

February's Guitar of the Month Winner!

Guitar of the Month Winner February 2023

We’re pleased to announce that Ryan M. is the latest winner of our Guitar of the Month contest! This slick bass is built using Combine's 5-String Multiscale Bass DIY Kit. Here is his story:

"I’ve never built a guitar before, but I’ve always had a vision for what I’d like to do. And with [Combine's] kit, it was able to come to fruition! I initially wanted to use Musou Black for my paint, as it absorbs >99% of light but the paint is so difficult to work with that I had to change course. I decided upon a black base paint with gold glitter additive mixed in. The paint job turned out much better than I initially imagined it would. I knew from the start I wanted to accent this entire build with gold, so I added the gold hardware all around. Finally, I knew I needed to alter the fretboard to fit with the build so I used India Ink to dye the fretboard which resulted in this very cool, rustic looking darkened fretboard. I would love to build another in the future, I had so much fun doing so and I learned so much from this first one! Also, Connors, the luthier at combine helped me with so much along the way and I appreciate this company so much!" - Ryan M.

Ryan will receive 50% off the base price of his next DIY Guitar Kit, and his build has been shared on our website and social media.

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Guitar of the Month Winner February 2023


10% off DIY Bass Kits

Use code: BASSBARGAINS at checkout, or click the link below to automatically apply the discount to your order.

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Offer valid until March 31st, 2023

Multiscale Bass Guitar DIY Kit- Combine Guitars

March's Guitar of the Month Contest

We know you're all busy working away on your builds, and we expect some of you will complete them in time to enter January's Guitar of the Month contest! The winner will receive 50% off the base price of their next DIY Guitar Kit, and their build will be shared on our website and social media.

Check Out Contest Details

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